Penn State celebrates the 2024 可持续性 Award winners

Art postcards created from marine debris

An image from Pin-Hsuan曾's Marine Debris Encyclopedia art project. Participants collected marine debris, 记录它, 和 transformed their findings into artistic postcards. Tseng has been honored with a John Roe 可持续性 Impact Award.


宾州大学公园. 腾讯分分彩平台可持续发展学院宣布了2024年可持续发展奖的获奖者. 这些荣誉, including the John Roe 可持续性 Impact Award, the Student 可持续性 Advisory Council Tree Award, 以及宾夕法尼亚环境资源联盟(PERC)校园可持续发展冠军奖, 表扬学生在推动可持续发展方面的杰出贡献.

John Roe 可持续性 Impact Awards 

Named in honor of the late mathematics professor John Roe, 这些奖项旨在表彰对环境和社会可持续发展做出重大贡献的学生. 2024年的获奖者包括 詹娜Seigworth, 菲利普·迪乌夫, 奥利维亚DiPrinzio, 辛格哈尔曼 和 Pin-Hsuan曾, with each receiving $1,000 furnished by the Dr. John Roe Fund for a Just 和 Sustainable Future. Their initiatives span food security, 倡导可持续发展, 课程开发, 和 the integration of 可持续性 with art, marking widespread achievements across the Penn State community. 

  • 詹娜Seigworth, an undergraduate at Penn State Behrend, 通过她在校园和社区食品获取倡议中的领导作用产生了显著的影响. 她的努力明显有利于旨在解决不平等和促进包容的项目. Seigworth的领导力延伸到学生花园俱乐部,并担任Behrend可持续发展大使, 她在规划和设计即将到来的校园可持续发展商店方面发挥了重要作用, showcasing her comprehensive approach to integrating 可持续性 into campus life. Read more in this Penn State 新闻 story.

  • 菲利普·迪乌夫, an undergraduate at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, st和s out for his dynamic engagement in campus 可持续性 efforts, with a special emphasis on mental health. 迪乌夫通过将可持续性与心理健康相结合,激励了他的同行们做出实质性的可操作的改变. 他的领导角色, 特别是与咨询和心理服务以及可持续发展委员会一起组织倡议, 反映一种全面的可持续性方法,承认环境管理和心理健康之间的相互联系. Read more in this Penn State 新闻 story.

  • 奥利维亚DiPrinzio, an undergraduate at 大学公园, has seamlessly integrated 可持续性 into the academic curricula, 进行广泛的 contributions to the 研究 on Local Climate Action Plans. 作为一名气候科学与教育实习生,她在制定帮助宾州州立大学转变可持续教育方法的举措方面发挥了关键作用, 将她定位为在整个大学培养负责任的消费文化和积极主动的气候行动的关键人物. Read more in this Penn State 新闻 story.

  • 辛格哈尔曼, a graduate student at 大学公园, 她在环境修复项目中的领导地位以及担任地球与矿物科学可持续发展委员会学生委员会主席的经历都让她脱颖而出. 辛格对可持续发展的执着体现在她成功的植树倡议和创新的“躲避垃圾箱”运动中, which reduces waste considerably. Her efforts to enhance 可持续性 education 和 advocacy, notably through organizing the Penn State Water Conference, demonstrate her commitment to making Penn State a leader in 可持续性. Read more in this Penn State 新闻 story.

  • Pin-Hsuan曾, a graduate student at 大学公园, has creatively merged art education with environmental advocacy, offering unique perspectives on 可持续性. 通过像公共艺术日记对话社区和海洋垃圾百科全书项目这样的倡议, 曾以艺术为媒介,促进全球环保意识和文化理解. 她的项目不仅提高了艺术技巧,而且有助于更广泛的社会对人类活动之间复杂关系的欣赏, 环境与社会. Read more in this Penn State 新闻 story.

Student 可持续性 Advisory Council Tree Award 

The 2024 Student 可持续性 Advisory Council Tree Award celebrates Vancie孔雀 for her exceptional 可持续性 leadership at 大学公园, particularly through initiatives like the Schreyer Pocket Garden, which has markedly increased food security. 皮科克的工作,突出体现在她在学生农场俱乐部的角色和在博士实习. Keiko Miwa Ross学生农场, 在推动可持续农业实践和培育更可持续的校园社区方面发挥了重要作用. 人们将为她种一棵树,作为她的承诺和影响力的永久象征, 她会得到1美元,000 award from Penn State 可持续性.


PERC奖旨在表彰腾讯分分彩平台社区成员对可持续发展的贡献. 今年的获奖者, 索菲娅沼泽, Caden Vitti雅各西勒, have shown exceptional leadership in 可持续性 efforts, 从加强校园温室和环保组织,到倡导气候行动和可持续发展教育. 

  • 索菲娅沼泽, 在大学公园主修植物科学和可持续发展领导的本科生, has excelled in roles that amplify 可持续性 across Penn State. Through her work at the Penn State greenhouses, leading the Intersections Film Series, organizing EcoReps initiatives, 和 serving on the Outreach 可持续性 Council, she has made major strides in promoting environmental awareness 和 action on campus. 

  • Caden Vitti, an undergraduate at 大学公园, 在腾讯分分彩平台的任期内表现出了卓越的可持续性领导能力. 他的计划, 包括当地气候行动计划和可持续实验室大使计划, highlight his commitment to environmental 和 community 可持续性. 作为大学公园本科生协会(UPUA)环境可持续发展的执行董事和学生可持续发展网络的创始人, 维蒂在培养学生群体的可持续发展文化方面发挥了重要作用. 

  • 雅各西勒, a doctoral student in architectural engineering, has been at the forefront of 倡导可持续发展 at Penn State. 作为学生可持续发展咨询委员会的联合主席和学生可持续发展网络的主要成员, 塞勒在推进该校2035年碳中和目标方面发挥了关键作用. 他在组织可持续发展峰会和促进学生政府的可持续发展方面所做的努力证明了他在大学可持续发展工作中的重要领导作用. 

道格拉斯·古德斯坦, associate director for student engagement at Penn State 可持续性, shared his profound admiration for the dedication 和 impact of the award recipients.

"These exceptional students embody the very essence of proactive change,” he said. “They're not merely planning for future contributions; they're deeply immersed in the here 和 now, 热情地工作,丰富我们的校园生活,扩大他们的影响力到更广泛的社区. Their actions 和 commitments bring a vibrant hope to the forefront, exemplifying the significant, enduring legacy they're destined to imprint on the world. 目睹他们的旅程让我充满了极大的乐观和信心,他们今天的努力只是他们将在未来几年率先进行巨大变革的先驱."

2024年可持续发展奖突出了腾讯分分彩平台为促进教育可持续发展所做的全面努力, 研究, 操作, 社区参与. 有关腾讯分分彩平台可持续发展工作的查询或进一步信息,请访问 可持续性.事业单位.edu or contact 道格拉斯·古德斯坦 at (电子邮件保护)
