阿宾顿 hails new graduates and their ‘life altering, life changing’ journey

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 spring 2023 commencement

More than 300 students from around the world received their bachelor's degrees during 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校's spring 2023 commencement exercises.


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 总理 Margo DelliCarpini celebrated more than 300 new graduates on May 5, praising the class of 2023 for their fortitude and optimism despite the pandemic shutdown interrupting the first two years of their college experience.  

“你的一个同学,阿什莉·巴内特 ... observed that your class responded to adversity by reevaluating and reassessing your priorities, 然后你站出来了, 为变革而奋斗, 实现你的目标. And all the while you discovered unexpected moments of growth and joy. 最后, 阿什莉说, your four years at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 were life altering, 救生, 生活的改变,”她说。. 

DelliCarpini also quoted another member of the class of 2023, 帕特里斯之上, who explained that the new graduates transformed adversity into motivation.  

“We survived and we thrived … even though our class was physically separated for months, 不管怎样,我们成了一家人. 我们变得更好, richer and deeper connections that will last beyond today’s commencement,财政大臣引用了马纳斯的话. 

Three students who earned dual degrees were among those who were recognized during the ceremonies: 

  • Paul Daly graduated with two bachelor's of science degrees, one in business and the other in project and supply chain management.  

  • Luke Falcon earned two bachelor's of science degrees in cybersecurity analytics and operations and information sciences and technology. 

  • 帕特里斯之上也获得了双学位, a bachelor of arts in multidisciplinary studies and a bachelor of science in rehabilitation and human services. 

除了, there were three Schreyer Honors College scholars (Lauren O’Neill, 杰西卡Peskin and Edmund Wekunga) who received their medallions, and 57 new graduates who completed their degrees with honors (summa cum laude, 优等生, 或优等生).  

杰西卡Peskin, valedictorian for the morning commencement ceremony, reminded the class of 2023 that their time at 阿宾顿 made them more well-rounded, exposing them to new experiences and new people. 

“We’ll continue to learn, grow and discover more about ourselves and the world. 生活并不总是一帆风顺的, but we need to have faith that we can accomplish our goals and have the drive to keep moving forward,”她说。. 

乔•奥布莱恩, the valedictorian for the afternoon ceremony, reminded his classmates that their four years at 阿宾顿 prepared them to take on the world. 

“If you do find yourself feeling apprehensive about life after graduation and questioning whether you’re ready for this next step, remember all those challenges you’ve overcome throughout your time at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 because there is no doubt in my mind that you will succeed again,他说. 

森州. 艺术海伍德, 谁代表第四参议院选区, told the new graduates about his personal experiences overcoming diversity and how it will serve them well in the future. 

“Your degree will generate many opportunities for you, but the character that got you to your degree will open many more,他说. 

每年, the new graduates honor a faculty or staff member with the Ross Brinkert Lion Heart Award, named for a beloved 阿宾顿 professor whose grace, 完整性, 善良, courage and humility continues to inspire the campus community. 

2023届的学生选择了 凯文大炮, professor of chemistry, as the 2023 winner for teaching “with grace and 善良. ... His positive attitude and willingness to see his students succeed in the real world has had a positive impact.” 

Meet more members of the class of 2023 here.


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