New information technology bachelor's degree offered across Penn State campuses

宾州大学公园. — A new bachelor of science degree in information technology (IT), focused on providing students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills to effectively solve problems in today’s interconnected society, will be offered beginning in the fall 2021 semester.

"Because the IT field is constantly changing and evolving, this broad-based but specialized degree is designed to provide the next generation of IT professionals with the skillset to meet the technology needs of today while positioning them to take on future challenges,Alan Peslak说, professor of information sciences and technology at Penn State 斯克兰顿 and co-chair of the committee that developed the new degree program.

The IT degree will be available to students at the 阿宾顿, 阿尔图纳, 海狸, 博克斯, 白兰地酒, 杜波依斯, 更大的阿勒格尼, 黑泽尔顿, 利哈伊谷, 蒙特中音, 新肯辛顿, 斯古吉尔河, 斯克兰顿, 威尔克斯-巴里和约克校区. The degree will replace the existing bachelor of science degree in information sciences and technology (IST), 哪些将在未来四年内逐步淘汰. 

特里西娅•克拉克, assistant teaching professor of information sciences and technology at Penn State 博克斯 and co-chair of the IT degree 发展 committee, said students can expect to acquire a broad set of skills across several areas of IT. 

“In addition to courses that develop technical skills by incorporating current tools, 动手活动和真实世界的场景, students will learn problem-solving techniques that allow them to adapt to the constantly changing nature of IT,”她说。.

Peslak补充道, “雄厚的技术基础, 发达的通信, 协作和批判性思维能力, and flexibility to specialize in an area of choice provided by this degree program, will produce graduates uniquely positioned to enter the modern information technology workforce.”

Opportunities that might be available for graduates of the IT degree program include potential careers in industries spanning business, 政府, 国防, 娱乐, 咨询, 医学, 和更多的, 他补充说.

“The opportunities are seemingly endless for how and where an IT graduate can apply their knowledge and skills to contribute to their organization,克拉克说.

另外, six specialization options are offered to allow students to explore the IT field in more depth:  


Prepares students for the design and 发展 of complex object-oriented programming and technical skills to succeed in a fast-paced 发展 and operations environment.
可在:阿宾顿, 阿尔图纳, 海狸, 博克斯, 白兰地酒, 利哈伊谷, 斯古吉尔河, 斯克兰顿和约克.


Prepares students to pursue careers in information technology using business organizational problems with an emphasis on the systems processes and business operations integration.
可在:阿宾顿, 阿尔图纳, 海狸, 博克斯, 白兰地酒, 杜波依斯, 更大的阿勒格尼, 黑泽尔顿, 利哈伊谷, 蒙特中音, 新肯辛顿, 斯古吉尔河, 斯克兰顿和约克.


Provides students with the knowledge and cyber 国防 skills needed to critically assess and respond to modern information 安全 threats. Students will also be prepared to protect information infrastructure and data from attacks and unauthorized access.
可在:阿尔图纳, 海狸, 博克斯, 白兰地酒, 利哈伊谷, 蒙特中音, 新肯辛顿, 斯古吉尔河, 斯克兰顿, 和纽约


为学生从事设计工作做好准备, 发展, and support of complex networks and networking structure.


Gives students the tools to address current and emerging 安全 and risk challenges facing individuals, 组织与国家, over a variety of domains including national/homeland 安全, 紧急情况和灾害管理, 法律与犯罪, 企业风险管理.
可在:阿尔图纳, 博克斯, 白兰地酒, 利哈伊谷 and 斯古吉尔河.


Provides students the opportunity to pursue an approved information technology interdisciplinary or exploratory program of study.
可在:阿尔图纳, 博克斯, 白兰地酒, 黑泽尔顿, 利哈伊谷, 蒙特中音, 新肯辛顿, 斯古吉尔河, 斯克兰顿, 威尔克斯-巴里和约克.

“Considering the presence and impact of technology across almost all areas of society, the ability to specialize will allow students to apply their skills in an area that meets their interests and strengths as well as the needs of employers,克拉克说.

IT学位课程包括120个学分, including foundational coursework in programming and systems 发展, 安全, 数据库管理, networking and a required business course designed to help graduates be more competitive in the job market. The foreign language and foreign cultures requirements of the IST degree are not included in the IT degree program.

Students pursuing an IST degree can continue the program but are encouraged to speak with their academic adviser about switching to the IT degree program. Incoming first-year or transfer students should reach out to an admissions counselor for information on the new degree program.

Additional information will be forthcoming on campus websites and 大学生通讯