Penn State gives out first-ever Student Sustainability Awards

SI学生参与副主任Doug Goldstein在学生可持续发展奖上发言

可持续发展研究所负责学生参与的副主任Doug Goodstein在腾讯分分彩平台首届学生可持续发展奖颁奖典礼上祝贺众多提名者和获奖者. 从31名提名者中选出的5名获奖者代表了腾讯分分彩平台四个不同的校区.

Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — On Wednesday, April 17, 在大学公园校区哈克生命科学大楼举行的仪式上, Penn State bestowed the inaugural Student Sustainability Awards, 由可持续发展研究所和可持续发展领袖委员会赞助. 该奖项旨在表彰腾讯分分彩平台所有校区的优秀学生和学生组织,他们真诚地致力于将腾讯分分彩平台转变为可持续发展的领导者和生活实验室. 

腾讯分分彩平台一直给人留下深刻印象的是它的学生和活力, compassion and drive that they have,” said Doug Goodstein, 腾讯分分彩平台可持续发展研究所负责学生参与的副主任. “All of you embody that drive to see the world as a better place.”

Faculty, staff and students nominated students around the following criteria: exhibiting service to the Penn State community and beyond; building awareness of sustainability on campus; executing an exemplary project with a lasting impact; demonstrating leadership in a sustainability-related student organization; and/or creating involvement at the institutional level to affect change. From 31 nominees, five were selected as winners.

所有的学生和提名他们的人都被邀请参加典礼, where winners received a custom ceramic award designed by Bradley Klem, a Penn State instructor in art and alumnus, 谁的作品部分关注可持续性和塑料污染问题.

“我希望我所做的这些作品能够与他们一起旅行,并在他们最需要的时刻成为内省和创造性思维的源泉。,” Klem said.

This year’s winners are:

Brandon Bravo, a biology undergraduate at Penn State Abington, was nominated by Shelly Grinar-Boyd, lecturer in biology. 作为一名学生,布拉沃前往宾夕法尼亚州西部研究非常规天然气开采的潜在影响. His other work has contributed to modeling the U.N. Sustainability Goals on his campus.

“Nature tends to have a way of getting back at us; we should give back to it before it gets back at us,” Bravo said. 

Marissa Bufalini, a junior in administration of justice at Penn State Beaver, was nominated by Angela Fishman, associate teaching professor of mathematics. 布法利尼在比弗校区开办食品储藏室的过程中发挥了重要作用, works as an intern for the campus garden, 并在救世军的社区餐桌项目中担任领导角色. 

“被选为这个奖项给了我更多的机会来教育我的社区可持续发展的必要性,” Bufalini said. “我很荣幸能够因为我所热爱的事情而得到认可.”

Paulo Soares, a doctoral student in energy and mineral engineering at University Park, was nominated by Ilona Ballreich, coordinator of the Sustainable Communities Collaborative, and Jeffrey Brownson, associate professor of energy and mineral engineering. 苏亚雷斯在宾夕法尼亚太阳能中心的可持续社区合作项目中帮助带领本科生进行了三个学期的学习, 为宾夕法尼亚州西部的小型非营利组织开发太阳能机会. 

“成为获奖者之一已经让我开始思考如何改善我的生活方式,让它变得越来越可持续,” Soares said. 

Natasha Sood他是腾讯分分彩平台医学院的一年级学生,由丹尼尔. George, associate professor of medical humanities, and Sarah Bronson, associate dean for interdisciplinary research in the College of Medicine. 苏德是医学生组织医学环境健康的创始主席, which is seeking to define goals for education, composting, recycling, clinical applications,以及可持续的医疗环境健康制度政策.

“我被鼓励继续与腾讯分分彩平台的优秀团队合作,创造一个更可持续的校园和世界, 因为我相信,我们对这一关键问题的努力将影响子孙后代,” Sood said.

Haley Stauffer, a senior in biorenewable systems at University Park, was nominated by Tom Richard, director of the Institutes of Energy and the Environment, and by fellow students Benjamin Lyman and Janelle Thompson. Stauffer是大学固体废物工作组的成员,也是学生可持续发展咨询委员会食品和废物小组委员会的董事会成员. 

“感谢你给我这个机会,让我回顾我在腾讯分分彩平台所取得的成就,并提醒我正在努力的方向,” Stauffer said. “我打算继续为后代培育积极变革的种子.

At the ceremony, 学生可持续发展咨询委员会亦颁发年度可持续发展领导树奖, 突显了大学公园校园中注重可持续发展的学生的影响力和领导力. 

This year’s recipient is Sam Anawalt, a senior in energy and sustainability policy at Penn State World Campus. Anawalt is the executive director of the Council of Sustainable Leaders, 创建了EcoCoin项目,以减少腾讯分分彩平台所有书店的塑料袋使用, 他正在创办一家初创公司,提供便携式饮水机,减少活动中一次性塑料瓶的使用.


“我很高兴能有一棵树成为一种遗产,减少腾讯分分彩平台周围的一些碳排放,并能够在未来参观那棵树,” Anawalt said.