Rachael Brown, Ph.D.

Director of Faculty Development, Academic Affairs
Associate Professor, Mathematics Education, Early Childhood/Elementary Education
Sutherland, 119D
Penn State Abington
1600 Woodland Road
Abington, PA 19001

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy is shaped by my experiences as a learner and teacher. 我的教师腾讯分分彩平台理念有四个相互关联的要素:数学内容, communication, community, and equity.

Content. I have used tasks, video, written cases, research, standards,textbooks, writing assignments, 以及学生作业的样本,以吸引未来和在职教师检查他们所教的数学. When we discuss the mathematics, we also examine alternate ways for teachers to address the concept at hand. By watching videos and reading about teacher actions and examining student work, 我们了解了常见的误解,并学会了预测不同课程的学生可能的成绩. 为学生提供亲自参与数学的时间是必不可少的.

Communication. Activities such as writing a mathematics teaching philosophy, explaining why a mathematics lesson was designed in a certain way, 或者制作一个课堂小插图来揭示你面临的挑战是宝贵的经验. 反思课堂上关于每个人都参与的任务的交流也很重要. In addition, 明确地谈论我作为讲师的决定,或者我们在自己的教学视频和视频/书面案例中观察到的决定,让我们都能思考如何在课堂上培养数学交流.

Community. 一个支持数学思考和分析的环境对学习过程很重要. In addition, the ways in which a group will interact and expect of others in the group, the norms of the group, need to be negotiated and made explicit. 准教师和初级教师需要一个地方,他们可以谈论与数学教学相关的专业问题. 教师需要了解资源,以便知道当他们不再与大学社区密切联系时可以向哪里寻求帮助和指导. Additionally, 教师需要挑战自己的想法,也需要挑战别人的想法,以加强自己对自己的信念和数学知识的理解. Developing a community is important for these activities.

Equity. Teachers need opportunities to reflect on beliefs they have about mathematics, learning, and how these relate to what they believe about various people, particularly those who are different from them with respect to race, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, or other traits. This is essential to the success of all students in mathematics.


我对数学教师社区发展和教师学习/专业发展的研究很感兴趣, particularly around proportional reasoning.  目前,我正在与马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校的一个研究小组合作,从连贯理解的角度研究比例推理教学的数学知识. 我还与俄亥俄州的一位科学教师同事合作,探索如何以及什么样的中学, beginning, 数学老师会注意到,当他们写自己的课堂时,我们称之为“教学回放”。.  In my dissertation research, 我调查了一门以有理数为重点的中学教师数学专业发展课程中的社区建设.

Selected Publications

Brown, R. E., Nagar, G. G., Orrill, C. H., Weiland, T., & Burke, J. (2016). 教师在课堂内外的比例推理知识的连贯性. In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil, & J. A. Eli (Eds.), 数学教育心理学国际小组北美分会第38届年会论文集(pp. 450-457). Tucson, AZ. 

Nagar, G. G., Weiland, T., Brown, R. E., Orrill, C. H., & Burke, J. (2016). 比例推理的适当性:教师用来识别比例情境的知识. In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil, & J. A. Eli (Eds.), 数学教育心理学国际小组北美分会第38届年会论文集(pp. 474-481). Tucson, AZ.

Nagar, G. G., Brown, R. E., Orrill, C. H., Weiland, T., & Burke, J. P. (2016). 教师知识:课堂内外比例推理的案例研究. In E. Naftaliev, & N. Adin (Eds.), 第四届耶路撒冷数学教育研究会议论文集(页). 63-65). Jerusalem, Israel.

Brown, R.E., Vissa, J. M., Mossgrove, J.L. (2012). 合作对新教师发展的重要性:入门奖学金的两个主要特征. 2012 NCTM Yearbook, 数学教与学中的专业合作:为所有人寻求成功.

Orrill, C. H., & Brown, R. E. (2012). 理解专业发展中的双数轴:探讨教师对比例关系的理解. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 15(5), 381-403.

Orrill, C. H., Brown, R. E., Li, F., & Geisler, S. K. (2012). 质疑教师专业发展目标:塑造满意度, and performance. In B. Boufoy-Bastick (Ed.), Cultures of professional development for teaching: Collaboration, reflection, management and policy (pp. 573-600). Strasbourg, France: Analytrics.

Lee, S., Brown, R. E., & Orrill, C. H. (2011). 数学教师对分数和小数的图示推理. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 13(3), 198-220.

Bogiages, C., Brown, R.E., Lin, J. (April, 2015). 通过STEM整合实现专业发展:早期职业数学和科学教师如何应对整合STEM任务. 2015年全国科学教学研究协会年度国际会议上的论文报告:芝加哥, IL.

Masloski, K. & Brown, R.E. (April, 2014). Pilot study of the use of teaching replays as a professional development tool. 美国教育研究协会:费城年会上的海报, PA.

Brown, R.E. & Mossgrove, J. L. (April, 2013). Using high-cognitive-demand tasks to explore reasoning and proof. 在2013年全国数学教师委员会年会上的演讲,丹佛,科罗拉多州.

Brown, R. E. (January, 2013). Community development in mathematics professional development. 2013年数学教师教育协会年会上的简要报告,奥兰多,佛罗里达州.

Rhodes, G.R. & Brown, R. E. (October, 2011). Supporting beginning teachers through an online discussion board. 在2011年全国数学教师委员会区域会议上的报告. Louis, MO.

Vissa, J. M., Mossgrove, J. L., & Brown, R. E. (October, 2011). KSTF Portfolios: One model for self-selected teacher inquiry. 在2011年全国数学教师委员会区域会议上的报告. Louis, MO.

Brown, R. E., Chapman, M. A., & Orrill, C. H. (April, 2011). 转动镜头:来自专业发展研讨会的互补观点. 在2011年全国数学教师委员会年会上的演讲, Indianapolis, IN.

Brown, R. E., Vissa, J. M., & Mossgrove, J. L. (January, 2011). Examining choices of the mathematics educator functioning as “expert other”. 在2011年数学教师教育协会年会上的演讲,欧文,加州.

Caglayan, G., Orrill, C. H., & Brown, R. E. (October, 2010). 在职中学教师使用双数轴模拟字题. 数学教育心理学国际小组北美分会第32届年会上:哥伦布, OH.

Schultz, K. T., & Brown, R. E. (October, 2010). 了解职前和在职数学教师使用的分数除法表示. 2010年全国数学教师委员会区域会议:巴尔的摩, MD.

University of Georgia, Athens, GA                        
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education, August 2009
Dissertation: Community Building in Mathematics Professional Development

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY                        
Masters of Science in the Natural Sciences, August 2003

Siena College, Loudonville, NY                                        
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, May 2000